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Zero-waste Isle of Man

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

Did you know that as per energy audits conducted, we on Island produce approximately 49,000 tonnes of waste annually ?

The Climate Change Bill tabled by the government aims at achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 including an aim to generate 75% renewable energy by 2035 [2].

While these may seem ambitious to some, they are perfectly doable, if as individuals we contribute our bit towards recycling and adopt a zero-waste policy to the highest possible extent. That will not only be beneficial to the ecology and environment but will be an investment for our future generations in the decades to come,

A few interesting facts about what garbage recycling could achieve on the Isle of Man are as follows:

  • Approximately 16% of the money spent on products we buy is for packaging that eventually ends as trash.

  • Around 40% of every household’s garbage can be recycled on the island.

  • Recycling paper needs less than 70% energy in comparison to manufacturing it from materials.

  • The energy generated by recycling one plastic bottle is enough to power a 60-watt bulb for 3 hours

This is just a glimpse of what can be achieved on the Isle of Man if all of us as residents make a concerted effort towards creating a zero-waste policy on the island.

At Isle of Man Now we are glad to share a few tips to promote recycling and conserving the environment.

Use cloth in place of plastic bags

Plastic is one of the leading causes of environmental degradation as well as pollutes our seas and oceans. The issue with plastic is it does not decompose even after a century. Not only do they pollute landfills, clog drains and waterways but also are harmful to animals. Using disposable plastic bags is not the solution but part of the problem. The solution is to use cloth bags instead that can be reused and are eco-friendly as well.

Check out these locally printed Isle of Man bags from GEF. You can get there here.

Invest in cloth towels instead of paper

A popular misconception is paper towels are okay to use since they are biodegradable. That is partially true because they are transported using fossil fuel, which is not eco-friendly.

Rather think about investing in cloth towels like those available at our local eco-island collection they can be washed and reused for a long time.

Switch to organic disposables: For toiletries such as soap, lotions etc. go organic to help in our recycling effort. Organic products are not only eco-friendly but also are beneficial from a health perspective, so why not switch to them instead of the usual commercial brands in use. Check out the collection of organic items at our local store, to support the local supplier.

Get your water bottle: Buying a water bottle every time we feel thirsty is not helping the environment. Instead of buying plastic bottles to drink water carry your own and refill it with drinking water every time you travel. If you drink a lot of water get a bigger personal bottle that you can reuse multiple times.

Avoid the use of Styrofoam: While it may seem convenient to use Styrofoam products such as plates and cups, they are extremely harmful to the environment. They do not decompose and add to the pollution of the soil and water as they are highly toxic. Replace Styrofoam with verified compostable products in their place and support eateries that do this to protect the environment.

Stop using all types of plastic for packing food: The next time you plan to pack foodstuff and carry it, use steel or glass containers in place of plastic. They can be washed and reused multiple times for a very long time and will help to reduce plastic pollution.

Consider the use of returnable containers: When buying items opt for returnable containers in place of disposable ones. They are available in various sizes from small to large including cardboard boxes for bulk items.

Only buy what is required: We as modern humans we have become a society obsessed with consumerism. We buy more things than we need with a lot of them hardly used and later discarded. Consider what is necessary when you go shopping and avoid buying items that will hardly be of any use and just end up as trash. Not only will you save a decent sum of money but it also is good for the environment.

Do not become a use-and-throw person: Again, one of the downsides of living in a consumer-driven world is our habit to use and throw. A lot of items that we dispose of as garbage can be reused at home. Learn how to repurpose items like brushes that can be used to groom pets, old clothes can be used as rugs and to clean the house etc.

Use public transport or the bike: Every time you need to step out to the market or office consider switching to public transport. The less we use fossil-fuel driven vehicles the much better for the environment. Biking is an excellent alternative as well since it offers much needed physical activity and causes zero damage to the environment.

Explore the option of getting electronic goods repaired: If the TV is not working or the refrigerator is not cooling adequately, do not straight away dispose of them. Explore the possibility of having them repaired by a technician and it will save money as well as be good for the ecology. Every year hundreds of thousands of electronic items are disposed of as waste when they are repairable and good enough to use for many more years.

These are just a few ways we can do our bit to contribute towards the Island of Man becoming a zero-waste place. For more information and to learn about other initiatives check out Beach Buddies Isle of Man.

You can also visit the Facebook page of Isle of Man Sustainable Living for further advice and tips to follow a sustainable way of life and share any suggestions, comments etc. online.

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